As I mentioned in my previous post, I am working on converting the JavaScript SPA I made for the JS Portfolio Project to a React APP.
To get started, I used the create-react-app provided by React itself (React was created and is used by Facebook). From their website:
“It sets up your development environment so that you can use the latest JavaScript features, provides a nice developer experience, and optimizes your app for production.”
Creating a pre-configured app using this tool could not be easier:
npx create-react-app resistor-calculator
cd resistor-calculator
npm start
With a starting directory structure and everything already set to start coding, my first order of business will be to set up user authentication. I am doing this first because I want to reference the current user throughout the app and that will be easier with authentication already set up. In the vanilla JS project, I implemented my own, very basic authentication. It simply required a username and password and had minimal security (not storing anything sensitive).
While this would be sufficient in the case of the React App, I have since become familiar with using authentication providers such as Auth0. Auth0 provides an “Auth0 React SDK” and can integrate seamlessly into a React app. To use Auth0, you must first register on their site and create an application to get the required keys to enter into your React App.
To install Auth0:
npm install @auth0/auth0-react
A guide for setting up Auth0 with React can be found here. Once your account is configured, and Auth0 is installed, it is used by simply wrapping the root-most component of the app with the Auth0 component from the package installed earlier.
Auth0 has a pre-made Universal Login experience, and they have examples of Login/Logout button components in their guide.
My index.js file now looks like this:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './index.css';
import App from './App';
import {Auth0Provider} from '@auth0/auth0-react';
<App />
For more information on React’s Strict Mode and why it is helpful, click here.
In my next post I will begin transferring features from the original App and implementing the Auth0 Universal Login page using the Login Button described in their guide.